Wednesday, June 1, 2016

LITTLE THINGS - Today's Perspective


Chapter One,   Bring On The Giants.  P. 4


When David was anointed to be the future king, he was on the bottom, as we say, of the totem pole.  Youngest of 8 sons, he had the lowest job, watching the sheep.  Until called out by the prophet, he was considered the least in the family.

This early calling followed him to Saul’s court.  Though he was described to Saul as a brave man and a warrior (he had already killed a bear and a lion with his bare hands) he was given two small occasional jobs: minstrel for the emotionally disturbed king and one of Saul’s many personal armor bearers.

The least, the newest, the smallest - lowly things and yet, God’s hand was on David.  His early life verse was:

“Show me your ways, O Lord,

Teach me your paths;

Guide me in your truth…

My hope is in you all day long.” Ps.25:4-5

A thousand years later in Luke 16:10, Jesus laid out this principle: “whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much.”  He also made a point about a mustard seed in Matthew 13 being the smallest of seeds yet would become the largest plant in the garden.

Throughout my life I have found that the Little Things, those smallest of details, are what make the big things worl smoothly and look great.

A long time ago I wrote a song for a kids Christmas musical called “Twinkle.”  The song, “Little is a Lot!”  The lyrics were:

“Little is a lot when it’s in the right spot.

Little is a lot when you really have got it.

So let your courage show and get ready to go,

Remember David and his sling (shot!)"

The sling (two strands of leather or twine, and a leather or cloth pouch tied in the middle) is a very small weapon against a 9 foot tall giant wielding a javelin, a huge spear with a 15 pound iron head and a double edged sword with an amour bearer in front.

But even after killing Goliath, David went back to playing his harp and singing little songs for King Saul.  

And pretty soon Jesus' future comments about a tiny mustard seed came true for a country boy shepherd faithfully strumming for the king.

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