Friday, July 29, 2016

DETERMINATION - July 29 Today's Perspective

Chapter 5  "All"  pp. 74-75


Today I am with Colin Hearn; opera singer, actor (Laurel and Hardy opening soon in London), director of 22 Continental tours, including British and Latin Continentals, and directed 3 years of Jeremiah People, and currently part of a professional acting group in the U.S.

Colin is someone who has stayed with it. No matter what doors were slammed or walls built, he has said, "Yes, I'll go and do whatever you want" when God called him.  And guess what? The Lord wanted to use his talents and special gifts. 

Some people feel that if they surrender "all" to The Lord, He will ask them to do something they are not suited for or have to go somewhere they will be unhappy and their lives would be miserable.  (Reminds me of a Scott Wesley Brown song, "Please don't send me to Africa!)

God is full of wisdom and He wants you to be both fruitful and happy.  Jesus said this in John 15:16 "You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you to go and bear fruit...."

David ended up being a lot of things. Who knows what his dreams were while watching those sheep, learning to sling and practicing his harp.  Probably not of killing a giant, leading an army and putting his life in constant danger or becoming the greatest king in Israel's history.  Oh, and he wrote great praise songs right up until he died at 70.

You are chosen.  The Lord is interested in using your gifts just as much as He is the greatest preachers or evangelists or any hero from the past.  The apostle Paul said it like this in Ephesians 4: 11 and 16, "It was He who gave some to be prophets, some to be evangelists, and some to be pastors and teachers... From Him the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work."

Decide to be all that The Lord wants you to be.  Know that your path will be strewn with potholes and detours, but determine to use what you have been given and...


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