Monday, June 5, 2017

The Grace Odyssey - Monday June 5, 2017


THE GRACE ODYSSEY                                              

All my Christian life, I’ve heard that we are living in the Age of Grace.  The world out there would say that “grace” means “free of charge” or “no strings attached” or “It’s on the house”.  C.S. Lewis was asked what he thought was Christianity’s unique contribution among the world’s religions. “Oh that’s easy,” he said, “It’s grace.”

We “say grace” before our meals, we have “grace notes” in our music, when addressing royalty we say “Your Grace”, England declares that a pardon is an “act of grace”, we receive “grace issues” when our subscriptions run out, and even a “grace period” when we are late on our bills.

On the negative side we say that someone great has “fallen from grace”, or someone may act “disgraceful” or is an “ingrate”, or perhaps has “no saving grace”.  But grace is a Christian’s last and best word.  Grace truly is “Amazing”.

How Continentals look at grace is critical to our real ministry.  Think about this: the Bible says, “Grace and truth came through Jesus Christ”.  And, it is His grace we are taking out there to the world through our music this year.  Your tour could actually be called “The Grace Race” as you tour from city to city and sing from church to church.  And, hopefully, your bus will be called “The Grace Place”.  It’s in there we plan to practice 1st Peter 3:18 which says, “But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ”.  You will spend time in prayer there, and before your concerts, as you go to “the throne of grace”, expecting God to do great and fabulous things in your life and on your tour.

It’s kind of like “Grace Expectations”.  And if any of you good looking gentlemen think that means meeting and spending special private time with some lovely Continental lady, well, I have to let you know we will have to crush that expectation! Tour will end eventually…

Oh, and by the way, your Director is a Dictator.  Tour is not a democracy!  It doesn’t mean you have to call him or her “Your Grace”, but we do expect you to respect and obey their words and actions, on your behalf.  Our directors understand that the decisions they make are never for themselves.  They are all for you.  We all want of this to be a life changing experience for you.

We are sending you out in a bus.  You will have a comfortable seat, and a little space up above to cram in some things you need for the day, but you will need to show a little grace for your tour partners.  No one will have quite enough space.  It is good to remember the verse that declares, “God resists the proud but gives grace to the humble”.  The best way to survive on tour is to be just that.  Be humble in the sight of the Lord and He will lift you up.   If you do that, your tour members and all of us will lift you up along with God!  Just be graceful to each other.

In one of your songs is the phrase, “Let me introduce you to a friend called Grace…” That’s what you will be doing.  Gracing people by introducing them to Jesus Christ through your music and then, again, after your concerts and even in the hosts homes.  Take advantage of those opportunities.

Please know that we love and value you. And all the Continental staff here tonight and all the other directors will join me in praying for you that the Lord will give you an absolutely fabulous Amazing Grace filled tour.

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