Monday, August 8, 2016

CARRY THE LIGHT... - Aug 8 Today's Perspective

 Chapter Five "ALL"  pp. 73-74


The Olympics have begun in Rio.  The torch was lit on the 5th, the games are in full swing. The world is watching to see what great athlete can run or jump or swim or, in some way, become the best in the world in his or her event.

Jesus won the greatest event the world has ever known. He rose from the grave and became the Light that lives in our lives today.   He said, "I am the Light of the world .  Whoever follows Me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life." John 8:12

David had this light in his life as well.  He wrote in Psalm 27:1, "The Lord is my Light and my salvation...."

In Matthew 5:14 and16 Jesus calls His followers the light.  He said, "You are the light of the world. Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven."

During Olympic years in the past, The Continentals included songs in their programs and recorded songs like, "Carry the Torch" and "Carry the Light."  While I was with the Romanian Continentals they told me that our version of "Carry the Light" is sung in churches here on Sunday mornings.  It has become a loved hymn in this country.

Here is a short video of Iosif (Joseph) Catuna, the director of the Romanian Continentals, sharing about how the Romanians are carrying the light of Jesus:

And here is a great video featuring the Romanian Continentals:

Seated in the row in front of me while flying here was a young Romanian girl named Karina.  She spent the two hour flight witnessing to an elderly gentleman  about the Lord.  I heard her praying with him near the end.  Strangely I happened to see her and her friend at a restaurant later when I was with Joseph and Lavinia.  Karina knew about The Continentals, had a big smile for them, and now they know about her as well.  Karina carries the light.


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